Futures Planning
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Sports and Activites
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Kindness Heroes

By Deena Alreefy
Marketing & Community Relations Liaison
Published: 2023-04-18 12:04:07

Over the course of three IGNITE rotations, a group of over 100 elementary students participated in the Kindness Heroes IGNITE elective. Throughout the seminar, students focused on three main objectives: be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and be kind to the environment. 

Self-compassion and self-love have a strong impact on our mental health and our emotional well-being. Students learned to acknowledge and admire their strengths and characteristics through various activities. Each student left the seminar with stronger confidence and a sense of pride in their identity. 

The Kindness Heroes learned and practiced different ways of showcasing kindness to others around them, both individually in their personal lives, and as a group to the community. They expressed their gratitude and appreciation to their teachers, family members, and friends through crafting cards, bookmarks, and positive messages. They even distributed Zen art coloring sheets, sweet treats, and plant seedlings to faculty and staff. On several occasions, students invited various members of the RVIS community to learn more about them and everything they do for us, including Dominique, the security guard, and Nayana, our only female cleaner. 

In an effort to give love to our beautiful environment, students learned to appreciate nature in all its glory, talking to the trees, indulging in the bird tunes, and allowing the cool breeze to tickle their hair. Students launched a school-wide recycling campaign where they produced videos and signs encouraging all community members to recycle, as well as allocating recycling bins across the school campus. The Kindness Heroes also participated in planting flowers and trees in various gardens across Riffa Views Estates and the RVIS campus. 

Kindness Heroes made sure to share the knowledge they learned and raise awareness about the importance of practicing kindness by presenting at various school events such as elementary assemblies,  International Day, and Career Day. 

YOU can be a kindness hero too. Being kind sprouts joy and spreads joy, join us in making the world a happier place!

Riffa Views International School Hosts Annual Innovation Day
By: Deena Alreefy
Marketing and Community Relations Liaison
Published: 2024-06-11 10:10:12
On Thursday, June 6th, Riffa Views International School (RVIS) hosted its annual Innovation Day event in collaboration with Spire Tech and the National Bank of Bahrain (NBB). This year's event was a resounding success, with 25 RVIS students participating i...
Moving Up
Grade 8 Moving Up Ceremony: Stepping Into High School with Confidence
By: Deena Alreefy
Marketing and Community Relations Liaison
Published: 2024-06-11 10:08:13
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Director of Marketing and Admissions
Published: 2024-06-11 10:06:37
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