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Introducing the Secondary Principal for 21-22

By Jo Garrahy
Deputy Head of School
Published: 2021-03-03 11:30:40

RVIS is pleased to announce our new Secondary School Principal for the 2021/22 academic year. After a thorough recruitment process that included feedback from all stakeholder groups, the job was offered to Ms. LaKeicia Denson who accepted the position and will assume the role of Secondary School Principal on 1, August 2021.

Thank you to the parents, students, faculty and staff who took part in the selection process that included longlist interviews, and a comprehensive shortlist interview process involving information sessions and a series of panel interviews.

With over 25 years in education, 12 of these in leadership roles, LaKeicia is currently employed as the Assistant Principal at North Atlanta High School, in the USA. As both a teacher and leader, Lakeicia has had a long association with the International Baccalaureate program, helping to lead authorization and recertification processes for the Middle Years and Diploma Programs. In addition, LaKeicia uses data extensively to raise academic standards and graduation rates for all learners. With experience of Common Core curriculum, Advanced Placement and the IB program, LaKeicia is well versed in best practice at the secondary school level and is committed to our innovative pedagogy and approach at RVIS.

LaKeicia has achieved a Bachelor, Master (University of West Georgia) and Educational Specialist (Ed.S) (Clark-Atlanta University) degrees. She has two grown sons, one of whom is a professional basketball player living in Poland. LaKeicia is a proponent of social justice and prides herself on being an active volunteer in the communities where she lives. In her own words, ‘ I will always have a heart for children and communities that I work and live in’.

Members of the various RVIS interview panels, including our student panel, described meeting LaKeicia as inspirational - a caring, dedicated, highly qualified professional who will definitely embody the mission and vision of RVIS.

We are excited to welcome LaKeicia to RVIS and Bahrain in August. Building on the strong foundation already in place, we look forward to LaKeicia leading our secondary school into the next phase of its development.

Riffa Views International School Hosts Annual Innovation Day
By: Deena Alreefy
Marketing and Community Relations Liaison
Published: 2024-06-11 10:10:12
On Thursday, June 6th, Riffa Views International School (RVIS) hosted its annual Innovation Day event in collaboration with Spire Tech and the National Bank of Bahrain (NBB). This year's event was a resounding success, with 25 RVIS students participating i...
Moving Up
Grade 8 Moving Up Ceremony: Stepping Into High School with Confidence
By: Deena Alreefy
Marketing and Community Relations Liaison
Published: 2024-06-11 10:08:13
The Grade 8 Moving Up Ceremony at RVIS was a heartfelt event that celebrated the transition of our middle school students to high school. The Cafetorium was filled with enthusiasm and optimism as students shared their experiences and the positive impact of...
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5 Moving Up Ceremony: A Milestone to Celebrate at RVIS
By: Ken Davis
Director of Marketing and Admissions
Published: 2024-06-11 10:06:37
Riffa Views International School proudly celebrated the Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony, marking the students' transition from elementary to middle school. This special event was filled with excitement and reflection as students shared their memorable experienc...
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