Kindergarten How To's! By Ken Davis Director of Marketing and Admissions Published: 2021-05-05 05:01:28 Ever wonder how to tack a horse, build with legos, or make ice cream? Well, our Kindergarten students can help you out through their “how to” books! Just like published authors, these young writers embarked on the writing process journey, starting with brainstorming ideas, followed by mind mapping and draft writing. The process is taught through what educators call the “workshop model”. Through this model students gain important reading and writing skills through mini lessons and conferring conferences that lead into independent work time where students can practice the specific skill(s) while exploring their interest. This teaching practice is used throughout the elementary and middle school in an effort to balance direct instruction with student independence. The Kindergartners will have a special spot on the RVIS YouTube channel to share their knowledge and skills with a wider audience. We recommend you check it out!